“Arts & Letters” Awards 2023 of the Cultural Supplement of HERALDO DE ARAGÓN
28 November 2023
The identity of the winners of the IX Edition of the ARTES & LETRAS prizes of its Cultural Supplement was published in the HERALDO DE ARAGÓN.
These awards recognise the work of professionals who “make culture”; although they focus on the Autonomous Community of Aragon, the culture generated by the award winners is globalised both in intellectual work carried out individually and in that which generates international movements.
The latter is the case of the researcher and historian Jose Antonio Hernández Latas, who has been distinguished (“ex aequo” together with the photographer Rafael Navarro) with the Photography Award for his research work on photography (as a researcher belonging to the Fundación Agencia Aragonesa para la Investigación y el Desarrollo – ARAID of the Government of Aragón, which promotes R+D+i as a key factor in regional development and therefore functions at the service of Aragonese society as a whole).
The Award to Jose Antonio Hernández Latas also recognises his work as director, who organises, directs and manages the international meetings of the “CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH IN HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY FROM 1839 to 1936” https://ifc.dpz.es/publicaciones.
These Conferences had their origin in a project that Hernández Latas, was developing since 2013; it was brought about with a lot of work, and from scratch, until his good work culminated in 2015 by giving us the opportunity to attend the first Conference (three days in Zaragoza). Since then, every two years, we have enjoyed these international meetings where collectors, researchers and curators, among others, present the results of their activities. For obvious reasons, we should remember the III JORNADAS, held from 23rd to 25th October 2019, which were dedicated to STEREOSCOPIC OR 3D PHOTOGRAPHY, 19th and 20th CENTURIES.
Additionally, this Award formally recognizes certain individuals, as we cannot forget the emotive thanks that Juan Miguel Sánchez Vigil (Professor of the UCM, with three doctorates, respectively in Information Sciences, in History of Art and in Geography and History) dedicated in the V JORNADAS, also celebrated in Zaragoza between the 25th, 26th and 27th of October 2023.
Last 12 December of the same year, the newspaper HERALDO DE ARAGÓN held the 9th edition of the ARTES & LETRAS awards at the Fundación Caja Rural de Aragón, formerly the Casino Mercantil de Zaragoza.