Activity report
In this section you will find a wide range of publications, catalogues, exhibitions and lectures in which Yolanda, Juanjo and friends have participated over the years with their FBS collection, which once was known as the Klumpcol Collection and is now recognized as the FBS Foundation.
A journey through time and stereoscopic photography shows us the breadth of fields and studies that can be linked to various aspects of Science and Art.
These works allow, among many other things, a chronological traceability, for example, in the transformation of the spaces of our cities, customs, traditions, scientific advances in all disciplines. They also facilitate the dating, review and illustration of historical events that perhaps were not exactly as we were told.
Exhibitions and Catalogues
Arturo Soria,
una mente poliédrica
Museo de Historia de Madrid (2020)
Exhibition and loan of historical images for the creation of audiovisuals and to contribute to the preservation of Historical Memory.
Organised by: A.C. Legado Arturo Soria.
Example of the use of images from the collection with mixed techniques of audiovisual design, post-production effects and 3D layered treatment.
4th International Conference on Stereo & Immersive Media
Organised by Víctor Flores in the Universidad Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias – Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes (Lisboa)
S&I Media. Photography and Sound Research
Zaragoza Estereoscópica. Fotografía profesional y comercial 1850-1970
Paraninfo de la Universidad de Zaragoza
Organisation and production: Universidad de Zaragoza, Vicerrectorado de Cultura y Proyección Social.
Curator: José Antonio Hernández Latas
Coordination: María García Soria
Printing: Tipolínea S.A.

Una imagen de España. Fotógrafos estereoscopistas franceses (1856-1867).
Antonio Bonet Correa
Director, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando
Alberto Manzano Martos
President, Fundación Mapfre
Las herramientas de captación y visión estereoscópicas:
Juan José Sánchez García and Yolanda Fernández -Barredo Sevilla.

La fotografía estereoscópica en Guadalajara (volumen I)
Organizer and coordinator: Centro de la fotografía y la imagen histórica de Guadalajara (CEFIHGUI)
Commissioners: José Félix Martos Causapé and José Antonio Ruíz rojo
Edited by: Diputación Provincial de Guadalajara
Catalog Composition: Editores del Henares 2007, SL
Printing: Tecnología Gráfica

El color del Sol. La placa autocroma en España.
Authors: Mariola Gómez Laínez and Patrick Lenaghan
Ediciones El Viso
The Hispanic Society of America

Sevilla artística y monumental (1857-1880). Fotografías de J. Laurent.
Organisers: Fundación Mapfre and Instituto del Patrimonio Histórico Español.
1. Sevilla, un Aleph – Julia Uceda
2. Fotografías de Sevilla, años 1857-1880 por Juan Laurent – Carlos Teixidor Cárdenas.
3. Sevilla soñada, Sevilla fotografiada. La ciudad retratada por J. Laurente- Francisco Javier Rodríguez Barberán.
4. La arquitectura y paisaje de Sevilla, en las fotografías de J. Laurent – Rafael Manzano Martos y Antonio Gámiz Gordo

Murcia y Cartagena (1871-1930), en las fotografías de Laurent y Loty.
Organisers: Fundación Mapfre and Instituto del Patrimonio Histórico Español
Project management: Pablo Jiménez Burillo (Fundación Mapfre)
Curator of the exhibition: Isabel Argerich Fernández (IPCE)
Catalogue publisher: BYB Editores
Printing: Tf. Artes Gráficas, S.A.

(June – July)
Universal Exhibition of Sevilla, Pabellón de Madrid.

Stereo Panel – Box
List of articles in the publication “Revista Arte Fotográfico”.
Own exhibitions
Exposition “La técnica y el tiempo”
Galería Arte Zaca, Granja de San Ilefonso

Heliogravures – Carles Mitjà and stereoscopic pairs by Tono Mejuto. Photography Juanjo Sánchez
Exhibition and publication “La Pasión”
Curators: Lee Fontanella y Juantxo Egaña
Publication design: Tono Mejuto.
This work reproduces in its original format the stereoscopic pairs of the cartoons published by Adolph Block in the 19th century, dedicated to the life of Christ. From a total of 24 stereoscopic pairs, those relating to the Passion of Christ were selected for this publication.
Our aim was to reproduce the original techniques in the treatment of stereoscopy, which is why we did not skimp in the search for handmade vegetable or tissue paper, and we worked with black paper with gilt embellishment.
We took special care with the layout, with the result that when the tissue was exposed to the light with the B/W printing on one side and the colour on the other, and when looking through the 3D glasses, the experience was total.
This publication, “La Pasión”, which accompanied the 2022 exhibition at the Real Fábrica de Cristales de la Granja, Segovia can be purchased through Klumpcol S.L.k

Photograph by Juanjo Sanchez | 2. Detail by Juanjo Egaña | 3 to 6, photographs by Juanjo Sanchez: Lee Fontanella, Luis Lancho and Yolanda Fernández- Barredo Sevilla.
III Jornadas sobre Investigación en Historia de la Fotografía.
La fotografía estereoscópica o en 3D, IFC
Organised by: Jose Antonio Hernández Latas (2015, 2017 y 2019)

Group portrait of the attendees of the III Conference on research in history of photography -panoramic format-, Zaragoza, October 25, 2019. Photo by: Xavi Buil