O Impulso Fotográfico

(Des)arrumar o arquivo colonial)


Extended until

June 2024

21 Diciembre 2022 – 31 Diciembre 2023


Museu Nacional de História Natural e Ciência

Rua do Escola Politécnica, nº 56
1250-102 Lisboa

Teresa Mendes, Juanjo Sánchez and Víctor Flores
Photography by: Yolanda Fernández-Barredo Sevilla


Concerning this extraordinary exhibition, we highlight the research methodology and the empathy with the descendants of the protagonists of these photographs. They have been involved in the whole study and their point of view has been solicited. Scientific photography of colonialism in Africa can be a sensitive subject, and it is important to take it into account in order to continue learning about history with the utmost respect.