Object of the month


June 2024


Portrait of Jean-Baptiste François Provost. (Paris 30.I.1798 – 26.XII.1865), French actor of the Comédie-Française. ???


François Willème
49 cm high with the base; according to the price list 40 cm of statuette.
Photo Sculpture Willème / carved on the base.
FBS Collection

FRANÇOIS WILLÈME (Sedan Francia 27.V.1830- Roubaix 31.I.1905)

At the beginning of 1860 Willème applied for a patent in France on the process of elaboration of the photosculptures that he had invented; he obtained it on August 14, 1860 and revalidated it on April 6, 1861. The system was also patented in England and the United States, in 1864 and 1865 respectively.

The “photo-sculpture” interlaced two techniques from different disciplines: photography as a means of capture and the pantograph for restitution.

The conjunction of both disciplines gave rise to an improved process, which according to Willéme enabled him to “…. produce sculpture exactly similar to the model, whether living or not, much more quickly, at a lower cost, …”.

The works available for sale had the formats of statuettes, medallions, busts and card busts; the sizes started from 55cm for the largest statuette (at the price of 280 fr the first proof and reducing the amount for the following figures, with the possibility of acquiring also the molds), life-size busts (at 500 fr) and the reduction in prices could reach the small card busts (at 70 fr).

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